Sunday, September 21, 2008

Big Weekend

This weekend two big things happened. Yesterday we bought a car - a new Honda CRV! I get to pick it up on Tuesday so I'll put up some pictures then. I'm planning an homage to Big Red (my old faithful) soon. I'm kind of sad to give her up! Nick did all the wheeling and dealing yesterday, talking the sales guy waaay down on the price and getting us a great interest rate. I was so proud and grateful!

Today was not so happy. Nicholas left for a month-long trip through the Middle East. He'll be visiting Bahrain and Qatar. As I'm typing this he is en-route to Frankfurt. Finlay and I are really sad and tired and don't really feel like blogging. Fin's actually concked out on the couch next to me. We're watching Hope Floats, which is not exactly helping our sadness. Perhaps in a minute we'll peruse the offering on our HD movies on-demand.

I hope everyone has a great Monday, and I'll give you an update on the new car just as soon as it's in my hands.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be sure to take a picture of the old Explorer before you leave her behind. She saw you through many trials and joys. Now it's time to start a new part of your story in the CRV.

Can't wait to see the pictures!

Love you. -